Dear Dr. Faith,

I want to tell my story so that you may share with others the wonderful and miraculous things that happen in your office.

I was diagnosed with MS and hypertension six months ago after a visit to the ER and spending four days in the hospital. The doctors there pumped me so full of drugs, I didn't know if I was coming or going. When I got home from the hospital, I stopped all drugs except blood pressure and cholesterol meds. I refused to take drugs unless I was dying. Because of the MS I couldn't walk, I had slurred speech, I had weeping/laughing syndrome where I would cry uncontrollably for the slightest thing and then start laughing hysterically (very bizarre), this happened about a dozen times a day, everyday, I was numb on my entire right side from head to toes, I had severe muscle spasms, I didn't know how to tie my shoes, my head was foggy and I would forget what I was saying in the middle of a sentence, I had no equilibrium, my motor skills were affected, I wrote my name like a 5 year old. Over the months through a change in diet and self imposed physical therapy doing everyday housework which was a huge challenge, I began to improve. I reached a plateau and stopped making progress. I still could not function in the real world.

I discovered Dr Faith through what I believe is 'Divine Intervention'. It was through a random contact regarding my business and had nothing to do with my health. This person was based in New York. She told me of NRC and Dr. Faith.

The consultation was free, so I thought, well, I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I was welcomed into Dr. Faith's office like I was a good friend, her warm and caring manner helps heal your spirit. She really cares about her patients being well.

I started treatment one month ago. Since that time I have made great strides in my recovery. For 5 months I had an issue with lifting my right leg. After 3 treatments, I walked up 2 flights of stairs without holding on to the railing! The muscle spasms and numbness have subsided, my thinking is clear and I can hold a conversation without stammering, my speech has returned to normal, the weeping/laughing syndrome has subsided, my memory has improved, my motor skills are normal. I have cut my blood pressure and cholesterol meds in half. Eventually, I believe I won't take them at all. All of these results in one month with no drugs, just Dr. Faith's healing touch.

I am a business owner and today, for the first time in six months, I returned to work and was able to function.

I hope my story gives hope to those that are suffering. You can continue to live a healthy, happy, productive life if you choose to.

Thank you Dr. Faith, for giving me my life back.

Shirley Lewis